Trusted Lubbock, TX Dentist
Get to Know
Kevin Shively, DMD

When asked what he enjoys most about being a dentist, Dr. Shively’s answer is an easy one – he loves being able to help people in so many different ways! Whether he’s answering questions, alleviating pain, providing important education, developing close relationships, or helping patients regain the revitalized smile and self-confidence they deserve, he’s always ready to go the extra mile here in Lubbock. Interested in learning more about him? Just keep reading below.
Why Did You Decide
to Become a Dentist?
A defining moment in Dr. Shively’s childhood was when he had a bad accident while riding his bike, chipping his front tooth and embedding the lost piece into his lower lip. Naturally, this was after the dentist’s office had closed for the day, not to mention the night before picture day at school. Thankfully, his family’s dentist rushed back to the dental office, was very reassuring, and calmly and coolly put him back together. After that point, the idea of dentistry started to appeal to Dr. Shively – and the rest is history!
Where Did You Study Dentistry?
Dr. Shively completed his dental doctorate at the University of Louisville School of Dentistry. He also completed an intense, one-year advanced externship following graduation, where he focused on oral surgery, gum surgery, root canals, and other advanced topics. Currently, he has taken over 600 hours of continuing education and is currently finishing up training at the world-renowned Dawson Academy.
Outside of the
Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

He has plenty of hobbies that keep him busy when he isn’t caring for teeth, including play video games, riding roller coasters (the bigger and scarier, the better), playing basketball/football, watching Louisville and Texas Tech sports, listening to music, working on his yard, going to the shooting range, traveling, and tackling DIY home projects of all shapes and sizes! He’s very passionate about using his hands to create and build things in particular, from Lego sets to playground equipment for his kids.